Dil Zaar Zaar Episode 06 HAR PAL GEO
The story revolves around a young girl’s journey who despite living her life in the face of adversity continues to carry her struggle. Despite living in a progressive society there are still certain female health issues that are frowned upon. Hailing from a lower-middle-class background, Tayabba is a young girl whose life takes an unfortunate turn after her mother passes away. Due to her family’s financial crisis, Tayabba was only able to complete her studies till matric. Living such a compromised and difficult life, Tayabba finds a fresh of breath air in her friendship with Ahmed. Both Ahmed and Tayabba love each other deeply and plan to get married. Growing up in a conservative and backward neighbourhood, Tayabba has always been told by her mother to be careful. A small complication brings trials and tribulations in Tayabba’s life. Soon the people around her are quick to judge and blame her while Tayabba is humiliated and defamed for doing nothing. Will those around her understand Tayabba’s issue and lend a helping hand? How will Tayabba give evidence of her pious and innocent character?
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