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Ruz Bukhari with Shawaya Chicken | Bukhari Rice Recipe | Arabic Rice Recipe with Grilled Chicken

25 Ansichten
31 May 2021

Ruz Bukhari with Shawaya Chicken | Bukhari Rice Recipe | Arabic Rice Recipe with Grilled Chicken
Try this tasty traditional Middle East Arabic Rice Recipe with Shawaya Chicken and surprise your family and friends with its amazing taste.
Enjoy tasty and healthy recipes with Ruba Cooking Lounge #BukhariRiceRecipe #RuzBukhariRecipe #Shawayachicken #ruzbukhariwithshawayachicken #traditionalarabicrice #ruzbukhariwithgrilledchicken #Ruzbukharisaudirecipe ruz#Ruzbukhari #ruzbukhariwithchickenshawaya #EnjoyRubaCookingLounge #RubaCookingLounge
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