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Fried Chicken Legs Recipe - SooperChef

03 Jun 2017

Fried Chicken recipe is a dish which consists of pieces of chicken (mostly broiler) which are covered in a crispy batter and then deep fried in oil. Chicken Fried recipe is eaten all over the world with great delight especially at Iftar during Ramadan as it is easy and quick to prepare. Fried Chicken Legs recipe is a crispy, delectable dish that is adored by adults and children alike. Usually, it is classified as a fast food item but the ingredients used for its marinating are nutrition rich and its preparation technique makes it highly nourishing and tasty to munch through. There are many other fast food recipes like crispy chicken flatbread pizza, chicken kachori and Dhaka chicken. The crispy chicken fried legs get their amazing taste from its marinating process in which dry garlic powder, salt, red chilies, black pepper, coriander, cumin, wheat flour, and corn flour. To get the perfectly awesome taste and aroma Fried Chicken legs recipe, it is necessary to keep in marinated for 4 to 6 hours, prior to the deep frying process. Fried Chicken Legs recipe can be served with French fries, coleslaw, mustard sauce, hot sauce, ketchup or anything you like. To learn the art of preparing this delightful dish, you need to follow Sooperchef where you can follow a step by step video guide for perfection and download the complete recipe and preparation method in Urdu.

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