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World Colors The Beauty Collection of Flowers and Insect Life

23 May 2022

In this 8K ULTRA HD video, we will see insects like never before and we present the largest collection of flowers in the world plus you will see the most beautiful flowers in the world with soothing music relaxation and sounds of nature! You will also see beautiful flower scenes with soothing music. The importance of flowers in nature is that they are everywhere they can be eaten by insects, birds, animals and people; provide natural medicines for humans and some animals and help plant reproduction by attracting external pollinators. The main purpose of flowers is to help plants reproduce. Flowers provide an attractive attribute to an otherwise ordinary plant with only green leaves. There are many insects that feed on nectar, but the most notable are bees, wasps, ants, and butterflies. Because these flowers need an external source for pollination, some plants have evolved to make them more attractive to their pollinators. The bee orchid has evolved to look like a female bee perched on an orchid plant when in reality the bee is part of the flower.There are more than 800,000 different types of insects on planet Earth. A study has shown that seed quality, yield and other qualities increase in the presence of bees. Therefore, it is important to conserve bee habitats to protect our food supply. Several architects have studied termite mounds and beehives to gain insight into the structural and design elements incorporated into buildings for humans. Fireflies can produce their own light, and light patterns are used as a signal to mate. Dragonflies are excellent hunters, with a success rate of up to 97%. They are known to feed on mosquito larvae and adults, thus benefiting public health. Did you know that the Silk of a giant spider is ten times stronger than Kevlar? This is crazy! To find out how most spider silk is five times stronger than steel, scientists analyzed the silk that venomous brown recluse spiders use to build webs on the ground and hold their eggs in a glass. atomic force microscopy. They found that each strand - 1000 times thinner than a human hair - is actually made up of thousands of nanofibers, measuring just 20 parts per million of a millimetre in diameter, they reported last month in the journal ACS Macro Letters. Like a tiny cable, each silk strand is composed entirely of parallel nanofibers, measured to be at least 1 micron long. That doesn't sound like much, but at the nanoscale, it's at least 50 times as long as the fibres are wide - and the researchers believe they can stretch even further

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