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British SAS And CIA Joint Covert Operations In Iraq: Full Map

12 Mar 2025

As a favor from Helen Park for delaying an airstrike to Saddam Hussein's palace, the Rogue Black Ops team - Troy Marshall, William "Case" Calderon, and Russell Adler - must first help her, Captain Gladney, and the British SAS force on destroying the Scud launchers. After destroying the first launcher, the SAS created a layup for their base of operations and Park hands Case a Tac Map laptop to help find the remaining Scud launchers, as well as the other optional points of interest - Supply Drops, a Delta Force helicopter crash site, SAM Sites, and Enemy Encampments - for him and the team to investigate if they choose. Eventually, Case, Marshall, Alder, and Park manages to destroy the remaining Scud launchers and gives the word to Gladney, who agrees to help the team with their assault on Saddam's palace

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