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As good as it gets - MASSIVE 60ft Nazare

09 Apr 2019

This was far away from maxed out Nazare, but you couldn't have asked for more perfect conditions. The winds were low, and the swell direction was playing a perfect part to the shape of these monsters. Topping out at around 60+ feet on this day, we saw some really clean-fun waves! This is just part 1 of this day. I was on the cliffs filming for over 8 hours, and WOW did I score some great shots! I was trying out some new angles & altitudes, and I feel like I really scored some beautiful waves. The whole pack was frothing on the days leading up to February 7, 2019, and the forcasts all held up! I have WAY MORE footage on the way! SO PUMPED!! I hope you guys enjoyed! If you liked what you saw SMACK THAT LIKE BUTTON, and consider subscribing if you havent already! Subscribing is FREE and it really helps me out! Thanks again for all of your support, MAHALO, ABRIGADO, GRACIAS, CHEERS!

Song: Toska - Tyrant

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