China Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music
China 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music (4K Video Ultra HD)China, officially the People's Republic of China, is the largest country located entirely within Asia, covering over 3.7 million square miles. The national capital is Beijing and the largest city is Shanghai. One-third of China's land area is made up of mountains. The tallest mountain on Earth, Mount Everest, sits on the border between China and Nepal. China is one of the oldest cultures on the planet, and has made famed contributions to all kinds of art, literature, architecture, engineering, and more. China is very famous for its culinary tradition-not just the typical "Chinese food" you find dotting malls and shopping plazas, but a whole cornucopia of cuisines with incredible depth and variety. China has a climate dominated by dry seasons and wet monsoons, which make for clear temperature differences in winter and summer. In winter, northern winds coming from high latitude areas are cold and dry; in summer, southern winds from sea areas at lower latitude are warm and moist
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