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29 Aug 2022

In this 8K video, we will see insects like never before!Bugs are amazing and strange creatures. There are over 800,000 different types of insects on planet Earth.Were you fascinated by bugs as a child? Are you still fascinated as an adult? Have you watched ants working to transport food items back to the colony or observed butterflies extend their long proboscis to drink nectar? Alternatively, do you avoid bugs at all costs because of a bad experience?Regardless of your background or interests, there is an entire world made up of billions of insects and they are all around us. Humans are outnumbered! Scientists estimate 29 million species of organisms living on Earth. There are only about 3 million species of organisms on Earth that have been named and 98% of all organisms on Earth are invertebrates.There are a lot of interesting facts about Insects that you probably didn’t know.For example, did you know that mosquitoes are the deadliest insect on Earth? They kill more 800,000 humans each year (e.g., malaria, dengue, West Nile, Zika). Also, Did you know that only female mosquitoes drink blood.Without bees, people of the world would not have enough fruits and vegetables to eat. A study showed that quality, seed production, and other qualities increase when the bees are present. Hence, it is important to conserve bees habitats to protect our food supply.

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