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Pizza Burger Bowl by Tarla Dalal

14 Oct 2016

Pizza Burger Bowl

This snack is a bowlful of delight – and yes, we forgot to tell you, it’s an edible bowl too! The centres of burger buns are scooped out to form bowl-like cavities, which are filled with yummy cheese and crunchy veggies, lots of pizza sauce, and more cheese and herbs, before finally baking the whole arrangement to get a fabulous, utterly irresistible Pizza Burger Bowl, that is sure to bowl you over!

Preparation Time: 20 minutes.
Cooking Time: Nil.
Baking Temperature: 200°C (400°F)
Baking Time: 10 to 15 minutes.
Makes 2 Pizza burger bowls.

2 burger buns
5 tbsp pizza sauce
10 sliced mozzarella cheese (2” x ½”)
4 sliced tomato
6 onion slices
2 tbsp chopped paneer (cottage cheese)
Salt and freshly ground pepper (kalimirch) for sprinkling
10 to 12 capsicum strips
8 basil leaves
2 tbsp grated processed cheese
Oregano and dry red chilli flakes for sprinkling

1. Cut ¼ portion of a burger bun horizontally from the top.
2. Scoop the centre of the lower portion of the bun to form a bowl like depression.
3. The scooped out fresh bread crumbs can be stored refrigerated in an air-tight container and used to make another recipe.
4. Spread 1 tbsp of pizza sauce at the bottom.
5. Place 2 mozzarella cheese slices, 2 tomato slices, 3 onion slices and 1 tbsp chopped paneer evenly over it.
6. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper evenly over it.
7. Arrange 5 to 6 capsicum strips and 4 basil leaves evenly over it.
8. Again spread 1 more tbsp of pizza sauce evenly over it and place another 3 mozzarella slices over it.
9. Sprinkle a little oregano and chilli flakes evenly over it.
10. Cover it with the upper portion of the burger bun and press it lightly.
11. Spread ½ tbsp of pizza sauce and sprinkle 1 tbsp of processed cheese evenly over the upper half of the bun.
12. Finally sprinkle a little oregano and chilli flakes evenly over it.
13. Repeat steps 1 to 12 to make 1 more pizza burger bowl.
14. Place them on a baking tray and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200°C (400°F) for 5 to 10 minutes.
Serve immediately.

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