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How To Make Easy Donuts Recipe At Home

03 Oct 2016

Today i am going to teach you ho wto make easy donuts recipe easily at your home with no stress, this is a very simple and instant recipe.
First of all take a bowl and add 2 cups of flour, now add 1 tablespoon yeast, add 4 tablespoon of icing sugar you can add more if your like extra sugar in donuts recipe. Add 1/4 cup of butter, then add 1 cup of milk and mix it well. Add more milk and mix it well.
Cover it and give the mixture rest for 30 minutes.
After that give it a nice round shape like chapatti. Now give it a donuts shape and its ready to fry. Spray oil on donuts but its not necessary.
Serve the donuts with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

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