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Easy Steps to repair fused Tube Light (Hindi) (1080p HD)

29 Sep 2016

Watch out easy steps to repair fused Tube Light. (Voice : Hindi)

How to repair fused Tube Light :

There are two coiled coils of coated tungsten filaments are used at both end caps on the tube light. Due to high voltage or sometime damaged choke, one filament of newly used tube light get broken inside our tube light, it can not conduct electricity inside tube light to vaporize mercury gas (or inert gas).

To repair fused tube light, the principle is very simple, we have to complete conductivity or circuit of broken filament from outside of tube light. For this, we will use copper wire outside of broken filament and wind this wire with that side of tube as shown in video.

What is Tube Light?

Two coiled coils of specially coated tungsten filaments are used at both end caps on the tube. The tube is made vacuum and filled with inert gas and the inner wall surface is coated with florescence powder. When tube light is switched on the coils are energized and start emitting electrons from the coils and collide within vacuum tube filled with inert gas.

Due to continuous collision of emitting electrons and the complete energy is absorbed in tube wall and the fluorescent powder glows and emit light.

Once the conduction of electrons between the electrodes is complete, no more heating of the filaments is required and whole system works at a much lower current.

Fluorescent tube is a low pressure mercury-vapour gas-discharge lamp that uses fluorescence to produce visible light. An electric current in the gas excites mercury vapours which produces short-wave ultraviolet light that then causes a phosphor coating on the inside of the bulb to glow.

A fluorescent light does not have the usual glowing filament of an incandescent bulb but it contains mercury vapours that give off ultraviolet light when ionized. The ultraviolet light makes particles that coat the inside of the tube, and these particles glow or fluoresce

Function of Starter in Tube light

A fluorescent light does not begin to produce light immediately, because it takes time to apply high voltage to its electric poles, after which, this energy needs to be stabilised. When you turn on the switch, the discharge begins in the starter. The heat makes the bimetallic poles in the starter bend towards each other. Once the bimetallic poles meet, the discharge automatically stops and is sent to the poles of the lamp.

When the bimetallic strip cools, it returns to its original position. Meanwhile, the built up current is transferred to the poles of the tube, vaporizing the mercury droplets. The mercury gas is then ionized by the current flowing within.

Principle of Tube Light :

The electricity causes tiny particles called electrons, to travel at high speeds between the poles. These electrons hit the mercury gas, producing ultraviolet radiation. Since the human eye is unable to see this radiation, the glass tube is coated with a fluorescent material which changes it into white light.

Note : We are successfully using damaged tube light for our light purpose. Due to this, life of our normal tube light gets increased by double. As copper wire coiled outside tube light’s filament, is strong, so it will not fused from this side easily. That Tube light will have to be fused from other side.

If it gets fused from both sides, then, that tube light can not be repaired anymore. If we try to repair the tube light with two broken filament, it can damage our choke too.

So, never try to repair tube light whose both filament are damaged....

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