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Rubber Band Powered Fan Driven Car

13 Jul 2016

Roshan. org asked "Hey grandad can show how to make another rubberband powered fan driven car". I used parts from previous car to make it quickly so it is a recycled project.

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You will see most of the parts came from this car (which was recycled parts from a previous car too)
This was the original build for that car

My old helpfile on making wheels from CDs and bottle top hubs

Main Components
Fan blade from toy helicopter
Bicycle spoke
Plastic beads
Plastic tube to match bicycle spoke
Cardboard for the chassis
4 CDs/DVDs
8 plastic bottle tops
2 bbq sticks
2 drinking straw
1 paperclip

Main Tools
Hot Glue Gun
Utility knife
Sharp pointy tool (Bradawl)

I will add this video to my Fan Car playlist

Rubber Band Power playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB1otXh0w36OwsYIHZznUWp6

I have over 1800 videos on YouTube covering a wide range of subjects. To find them follow my YouTube search guide https://youtu.be/ceBSOoOHcgw or see my playlists
Generally my projects are for my grandchildren to enjoy. OK, I enjoy them too. If anybody else likes them, that is a bonus. I like to keep my work as simple and basic as possible so that it can be copied easily and improved by anybody who wants to try themselves. I recycle or repurpose items rather than buy new and when I do buy I like to keep it cheap.

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