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The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The World

26 Mar 2016

Jobs with the highest death and casualty rates around the world
Let’s face it; most of us would prefer to not work a day or night job. The ideal life would be to just lounge, relax, and enjoy what life has to offer. Unfortunately, bills have to be paid, and the only way to get the money to do that is to get a job. Depending on where you are in life, you might be working in fast food, retail, childcare, or you might have even reached the corporate level of the workforce. If you enjoy your job, consider yourself lucky among millions of people who hate their jobs, don’t have a job at all, or work a dangerous job that makes death loom over them everyday. Don’t believe us? Here are ten of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

Underground welders have a very dangerous job since they have to hang out underwater all day and every day with welding machines. Welding above water is dangerous enough as it is, but underwater includes a plethora of more risks. There is the risk of decompression sickness, shock, explosions, and wear and tear on dental fillings. Annually, out of 200 workers, about 30 lose their lives on the job. You can bet that the benefits for the grieving families should be decent.

Crab fisherman have a risky job being 26 times more dangerous than the average job, with 128 workers dying in 2007. Causes of death includes being thrown overboard, drowning, and hyperthermia. If you have ever seen any of the reality shows with fishing, boating, and more, then these statistics aren’t a huge shock. Speaking of deaths by forces of nature, logging has become quite a dangerous job with the risk of equipment failure (getting injured from chainsaws) and getting crushed by falling trees. If you get antsy around heights, then you might want to avoid the steel working career. These are the guys who build multi story skyscrapers and spend their day hundreds of feet in the air. Today, steel workers now have harnesses to help avoid a deathly fall, but they are still quite at risk at their job with the risk of falling construction equipment and the risk of their harness failing.

If you have ever looked at a bull rider and thought, “I’d like to try that,” then think again. While there are cash rewards for staying on a crazy bull for eight seconds, the risks outweigh the benefits with significant injuries about every 15 rides. Risks include getting crushed to death, stabbed by a bull’s horn, and other physical injuries. Prostitutes also have a mighty dangerous job with the risk of getting arrested, involved in drug use, exposure to STD’s and other diseases, plus the risk of getting beaten or killed. Then we have microchip manufacturers, who are exposed to the deadly chemicals used to make the chips, which studies have shown to have severe long term effects.

Next time you feel like complaining about your job, perhaps take a moment to consider that it could be much worse than sitting behind a cash register or getting yelled at by an angry customer.

Snake Milkers
Underwater Welder
Oil Riggers
Steel Workers
Crab Fisherman
Bush Pilots
Microchip Manufacturers
Bull Riders

Music Track: Lethal Projectile - Dan Skinner / Adam Skinner / Dave James

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